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PowerShell determine first & last days of the current calendar quarter

17 septiembre, 2021

The .NET Framework includes two data structures that you can use for calculating all sorts of date math – DateTime and TimeSpan. No matter what Database you deal with there will be times where you need to manipulate or calculate dates and Powershell offers many different methods to get them. Whether you’re going back in time to 90 days ago or you need to set a variable for a future time and add a day Powershell provides solutions.

Using the New-Timespan CmdletThe New-TimeSpan cmdlet provides a way to do date arithmetic within Windows PowerShell. This entry was How to Become a Data Analyst Skills & Salary posted in Blog and tagged powershell, SQLNewBlogger, syndicated. A great little type of post that would highlight your blog.

It’s a .NET Framework-based scripting language as well as an interactive command environment. PowerShell consists of a set of commands that perform specific functions. Just like any reasonable programming language, PowerShell can accomplish a lot of tasks. Displaying the current date is another simple function that PowerShell does effortlessly. What if you wanted to know the difference between two dates; not just adding a specific number of time chunks? One way to do this is to use the New-Timespan cmdlet.

Custom Date Formatting

In this example, after the colon we have the letter N. This lets PowerShell know we want this to be formatted as a numeric value, and to include commas to separate the numbers. It’s not necessary to use a variable, we could have just hardcoded a value. PowerShell of course always wants to make life easier on us, so we can use this much simpler format. How to set the specific part links in questions or answers to jump to them…

  • Using TimeSpan objects, you can find date/time differences in just about any increment you’d like.
  • This time, PowerShell outputs all dates between the two specified dates.
  • In last Monday’s blog post, Fun With PowerShell Strings, I covered a lot of the basics around PowerShell Strings.
  • I purposely used the Jan. 30th date because it is a leap year.

Operator and then lastly, a list of comma separated variables/objects which will be used to populate the placemarkers. In reality only 2 days have passed, but your code returns 1 year, 1 moth and day calculation fails. Utilize the “AddDays()” function and specify “-1” as a parameter for this function. Calling the “AddDays()” function with these specified settings will let you display Yesterday’s date in your PowerShell. The UFormat parameter is similar to the Format parameter in that you can combine date format characters to change how the date is returned as a string.

The New-Timespan cmdlet generates TimeSpan objects which represent date/time differences or spans. Let’s say that you need to know the date and/or time a certain number of days, years, or minutes in the past or in the future. Since we know that the Get-Date command outputs a DateTime object, is there more that we can do with this object?

No need for urgency, I just wanted to share a “simple” way to get the elapsed Years, Months and Days from a given Date until today . This entry was posted in powershell and tagged code, powershell. There are many ways to do date arithmetic within PowerShell. To go back to the specific number of days, the same AddDays() method will be used but the numbers are negative. Once I figured out the way to do this, I spent about 5 minutes on this post.

A colleague of mine has PowerShell script that queries a bunch of data from the last 90 days. The intention of the script is to only collect data from the current quarter, but depending on when the script is run the last 90 days could include time from the previous quarter. My colleague Eric Powers has PowerShell script that queries a bunch of data from the last 90 days. But when we subtract those days to get the end of the previous month, it is correct.

Epoch Converter and Date/Time in Powershell

Essentially I have a date variable type but without a variable name. I’m simply taking a number, formatting it with commas and making it eight spaces wide. Currency acts very similar to the Number format, the only real difference is the addition of your location’s currency symbol in the formatted output. Well it turns out the placeholder syntax includes some extra syntax which will allow you to format values passed in. Use PowerShell to determine the first day of the current calendar quarter. If you check the value of $fulldate and change the day from 31 to 30 to 29 and 28 you will see that the script will return the Feb. 29th date each time until you get to the 28th.

powershell date math

The next line you’ve seen as well, I take the current date, format to MM/dd/yyyy format and assign to $tday. In all of these, I passed in the current date (as I’m writing this) using Get-Date, but any date based variable would have worked. When PowerShell saw the 0x on the front of 0x4D2, it knew this value was already in hex format and didn’t try to convert it, it simply displayed our value. Make sure to notice that PowerShell will take the decimal amount and automatically convert the percentage for you. Thus, if you want to display 12%, you have to pass in 0.12.

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And in these examples you are correct, with string interpolation you could have used the much easier to read syntax. PowerShell supports the C# / C / C++ style of string formatting. So there you have it, a couple of lines to get the first day of the current quarter in PowerShell.

Another post for me that is simple and hopefully serves as an example for people trying to get blogging as #SQLNewBloggers. Check out the Microsoft documentation for a full breakdown of all the characters you can use with the UFormat parameter. You can see an example of using the ToShortDateString() and ToShortTimeString() methods below. You’d like to parse this file and find all of the rows with a date seven days or older. You can see a simple example of comparing dates below. #Subtracting 8 days from the current date using a negative number.

For example, try out the following formats and see what’s returned. One way to change the date format of a DateTime object is by using Get-Date to generate the object and the Format parameter to change the format. The Format parameter accepts a string of characters each representing how a date/time string should look. Not only can you find differences in dates and times but you can also compare them using standard PowerShell operators. PowerShell knows when a date is “less than” or “greater than” another date.

Not that I’m complaining, but this week has seemed to fly by. Speaking of time flying by, did you realize that it has been 65 years since the British Computer Society was inc… If I continue to refactor the code I might get this down to something closer to the simple sweet script you though tit might actually be originally. Though I do not think it would ever be as short and simple as you might have hoped. I fiddled with it a bit more and came up with something rather decent.

In this case, the D8 indicated we wanted eight characters in decimal formatting. PowerShell converted 123 to a string that was three characters long, so it put five zero’s in front to make the total length eight. Specifically, 8 steps to manage multiple GitHub accounts GitGuardian Blog this can control the output when we embed a numeric value inside a string. Passing in special formatting instructions will make it easy to display values with commas, as currency, or even as hexidecimal.

Custom date formatsedit

Using TimeSpan objects, you can find date/time differences in just about any increment you’d like. One of the easiest ways to discover the current date with PowerShell is by using the Get-Date cmdlet. This command displays the current date and time as shown below. Demonstrating additional useful DateTime object methods. Demonstrate using the same format for both .NET and Unix formatting strings in Get-Date. We can simply pass in a date and time to have a proper DateTime object returned as seen below.

  • Let’s play around a bit more by using different formats to display dates.
  • If I wanted to get crazy I guess I could even use arrays for more variables, like the month day and year values reducing some lines there.
  • We can chain the AddDays and the Addhours methods onto our date stored in the variable $CurrentDate.
  • PowerShell can do a lot of things and, like any good programming language, it can do just about anything you want with dates.

This means that you will have to convert the DateTime object to a string type and pass the localization that you want. Of course, we often want to perform a date calculation from the current time. How would we go about subtracting or adding time to the current date? With the DateTime object type, there are several built-in methods that make this very easy (non-exhaustive list below). Working with Dates and Times in PowerShell is very common. Many scripts require simple or complex date calculations for such things as archiving files or logic to determine what data to operate on.

Getting DateTime Object

PowerShell also has the ability to display values in a percentage format. In the output, PowerShell saw the final value, 123, was three characters wide. So it subtracted three from eight and put five spaces in front of the 123 so the entire output became eight characters in width.

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